Hi, my name is Andrew. This is my personal website, where I house articles about my pet projects, class notes, miscellaneous ramblings, and whatever else I feel like. All opinions expressed here are my own and not representative of my employer or affiliates. Enjoy your stay, I hope you find something to interest you!
Who am I?
I’m a computer nerd with a variety of interests. I’ve been nursing a deep interest in databases for many years now, and have both worked on their internals and used them in anger.
- I’m currently at Cloudflare, working on database-oriented products for the workers storage team. Check out Hyperdrive, it’s pretty neat!
- I previously worked as a software engineer at VMware, working on the Greenplum Kernel R&D Team. Greenplum is a fork of PostgreSQL, redesigned to specialize in distributed, petabyte-scale OLAP use cases. My specific areas of responsibility were backup/restore and the core server code. I primarily used
, and had a blast on the team. - Prior to working in software I worked as a data scientist in the healthcare space, for about 7 years. I wrote a lot of SAS and Python, across several different areas.
- I completed my MSCS at Georgia Tech in Fall 2022. I specialized in Computing Systems, with a good amount of infosec coursework mixed in. I’m incredibly proud to have been part of that institution.
Where am I?
If you’re interested in checking out the rest of my online footprint, you can find me here: